10 Reasons Your Dehumidifier Can Not Drain into Bucket

Team Vallablog
9 Min Read

Dehumidifiers are essential appliances that let us manage and maintain the humidity levels of our home to the optimum levels. While the dehumidifier operates, it collects water into a bucket or a removable tank. Sometimes the dehumidifier doesn’t drain the water into the bucket. 

Well, this problem could occur for various reasons, whether it be a clogged hose, a faulty reservoir sensor, or something else. If you are also facing the same issue with your dehumidifier, below is a complete guide to help you troubleshoot and fix the problem. Have a look!

10 Common Reasons Why Your Dehumidifier Can Not Drain Into Bucket

To work effectively and efficiently, the dehumidifier needs to collect the condensed water into the reservoir or external bucket. 

However, due to various common problems like a blockage or other issues, the dehumidifier may not drain into the bucket. Below are the top 10 reasons your dehumidifier can not drain into the bucket. 

1. Dehumidifier is Off

The most common problem that users typically face when the dehumidifier is not draining into the bucket is because it is off. Before panicking and looking for other problems, you need to ensure that the dehumidifier is turned on and working. 

You need to make sure that it is receiving power from the power source and that the wire is not broken or tripped. If the wire is tripped or broken, you have to fix it or get it repaired by a technician.

Also Read: Humidifier Vs Dehumidifier Complete Comparison and Differences

2. You Have Setup an External Bucket Drain

If the dehumidifier is on and still not draining into the bucket, then it could be because you have set up an external bucket for the drain. This happens when you set up an external bucket with the drain and then forget about it. 

Before looking into other problems, you must check the drain hose is not connected to the external bucket.

3. You Have Setup an Automatic Condensate Pump

If you haven’t set up an external bucket drain with your dehumidifier, you must check for other issues. Sometimes you have set up an automatic condensation pump along with an external bucket with the dehumidifier, and you forget about it. 

Some of the dehumidifier models also come with an inbuilt condensation pump, so make sure to look for it while checking the drain issue in your dehumidifier. 

If the dehumidifier has an inbuilt condensate pump, then you don’t have to worry, as it would automatically drain the water.

4. Incorrect Settings or Correct Humidity Levels

Another common problem when checking the dehumidifier drain issue is the humidity levels of your room. If the humidity levels are ideal, then the dehumidifier will not operate and ultimately will not drain anything. 

So make sure to check for the humidity levels to ensure that the problem is not caused due to correct humidity. You can measure your home’s humidity levels with a hygrometer if your dehumidifier doesn’t show humidity levels.

Apart from that, if the humidity levels are high and still if the dehumidifier is not draining into a bucket, then you need to check the dehumidifier settings. Make sure that it is set to 30% to 50% during the summer season. If you use incorrect settings, it will not let the dehumidifier drain into the bucket. 

5. Drain Hose Is Clogged

If you have checked the settings and the humidity levels and still facing the dehumidifier draining issue, then you need to check the drain hose for possible blockage. 

If the drain hose has collected dust, dirt, or mold inside it, it will eventually get clogged, and the water will not pass through, which will cause a dehumidifier drain problem.

In this case, you have to disconnect the drain hose from the dehumidifier and clean it from the inside. You can use a small bristle brush to clean the hose from the inside properly.

6. Reservoir Sensor is Not Working

Some dehumidifier models include a drain reservoir that collects water within. The drain reservoir also comes equipped with a sensor in some of the premium models. If this sensor fails, the dehumidifier will not drain water into the reservoir.

To determine whether or not the sensor is broken, drain the reservoir completely and then turn on the dehumidifier for a few hours. If the reservoir remains empty after that, it is most likely due to a defective reservoir sensor. In this instance, you must contact the service professional and request that they repair it.

7. Air Filter is Clogged

The dehumidifier has an air filter, and if it becomes clogged, the dehumidifier will not work properly or at all. This is because the air filter becomes clogged with dirt and dust, obstructing the air path. As a result, the dehumidifier does not condense water and does not gather anything on the coils, resulting in this problem.

8. Dehumidifier Coils Are Frozen

If the dehumidifier’s reservoir sensor is working fine, then you should check the dehumidifier coils. If the ice is forming on the coils, you need to ensure that it melts, so the water gets collected in the reservoir. If in case the ice doesn’t melt, you can simply open the dehumidifier and melt the ice using a hair dryer. 

De-icing the coils will resolve the dehumidifier drain issue. Nevertheless, even if the dehumidifier coils are frozen, they will still gather some drops of water into the reservoir, indicating that icing on the coils would not entirely prevent draining.

Must Read: How To Thoroughly Clean The Dehumidifier Coils?

9. Defective Fan

All brand dehumidifier comes with a fan that pulls out the air from the room into the dehumidifier, and if this fan doesn’t work properly, it will lead to a dehumidifier drain issue.

You can inspect a faulty fan by adjusting the speed of the fan and ensuring that it is running. In case it is not running, you need to replace or repair it.

10. Dehumidifier Turns Off Due to Low Temperature

The low-temperature issue is a rare problem that could prevent the dehumidifier from draining. 

When there is a low temperature in the room or if the dehumidifier is set up in a basement, it is likely to cut off automatically, preventing emptying into a bucket. 

In such instances, you must inspect the dehumidifier on a regular basis to ensure proper operation.

Other Reasons Why Dehumidifier is Not Draining Into Bucket

  • Bucket Not Aligned Correctly
  • Small Bucket or Not Deep Enough
  • The Bucket Is Not Connected
  • The Hose is Very Long
  • Kinked Hose


So, these were the top 10 reasons your dehumidifier can not drain into the bucket. If you are still facing the problem, you should contact customer service and ask for assistance, especially if your dehumidifier is under warranty. Else, you can take it to a local repair shop or call a technician for assistance at home.

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